Karisik Pide Yumurtali

• Dough

  • Meat Chops Mix (CK Recipe)
    • Mozzarella Cheese (Grated)
    • Lahmacun Meat (CK Recipe)
    • Egg
  • Laban with Water (for brushing)
    • Butter (for brushing)
    • Sesame Seeds (white/black mix)
  • Parsley
  • Lemon (wedge)
    300 grams
    100 grams
    100 grams
    120 grams
    1 piece
    1 tablespoon
    1 tablespoon
    1 teaspoon
    1 stem
    1 pieces
  • Roll the dough to make a long sheet i.e. 60 cm long and 20 cm wide
  • Spread lahmacun meat on right corner, mozzarella cheese in center
    and meat chops mix on left corner of the sheet and turn 1cm edges
    inside from width side. Pour the egg on top of mozzarella cheese
    • Brush edges with laban/water mix, sprinkle sesame seeds and bake
    in oven
  • After baking, brush edges with butter and diagonally cut into 7-8
    portions, top with parsley and serve on wooden platter